Windows 7 Installation Video

I’ve been working on a Windows 7 installation video complete with on screen and audio instructions. Here it is, my first ever YouTube video!

I used Cyberlink’s PowerDirector 8 to do most of the editing. The trial version adds a watermark at the beginning of the final video. The watermark is only 5 seconds long, which I edited out using a second editor (Any Video Converter) and converted it to a flash video (flv) to upload on YouTube.

What I found was that I was going through the installation steps a bit too fast in the video, so I used Audacity to record my voice over/instructions separately. I then had to split several parts of the video and slow it down, making sure the installation steps and the audio are in sync.

I found recording a voice over is not that easy and my diction needs more work, but this is my first instruction video.