Windows Sidebar Gadget – Daily Prayer Times

I have been working on developing a Windows Sidebar Gadget to display the 5 daily prayer times for Muslims. Well, it’s for myself really, it would be handy to have it sit on the sidebar – a simple gadget to give me the day’s prayer times at a glance.

Although I’ve done what I originally started out to do, I keep finding ways to improve it just a bit more which is why it’s not complete just yet.

Once I’m happy with the final product I will post a video of the gadget in action. Meanwhile here’s a sneak peak while I work on it a bit more.

A sneak peak into the prayer timetable


Another reason (actually the main reason) why it’s taking longer than it should to develop is because my head is full of stuff I want to do, both in Web/Multimedia development and IT Support and I get side tracked looking up and researching on these . I will be organising these thoughts and ideas into a ‘To do’ list of sorts which will be coming up in my next post.

Stumbling on the Web

StumbleUpon is great! I absolutely love it!

StumbleUpon will attempt to find me a website that I may like based on my interests – and it does a pretty good job too! Here are some of the stuff I’ve come across:

I’ve also come across some stuff I would not have searched for but found very interesting nevertheless, such as writing an email to your future self and 70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know (not that I am one or at least think of myself as one).

With StumbleUpon you literally do stumble upon some really good stuff on the net, such as AppInventor for Android which i hadnt heard of before and am itching to try it out. I like the way it surprises me with good content, which makes a nice change from sifting through search results. It’s not a replacement to Google, however, as it’s no good if I’m after something specific.

The above are only a few sites from a list of 70+ I’ve marked as favourites in StumbleUpon and will be bookmarking a few in Delicious for future reference.

Seven habits for writing secure PHP applications