Mouse Without Borders

Having upgraded to Windows 8 recently I found InputDirector, a software KVM solution, doesn’t work as well on the new OS – the cursor disappears from view when moving it into the second monitor. I’ve been really happy with it on Windows 7 until I upgraded.

In my search for an alternative software KVM solution which is compatible with Windows 8 I came across Mouse Without Borders from Microsoft which, unlike some of the other products I’ve come across, is really easy to set up.

Start off with the ‘server’ pc –the computer which has the keyboard and mouse connected directly. Once installed, simply launch the software and click NO on the ‘Let’s get started’ screen.


This will give you a Security Code and the Computer Name of the ‘server’ computer which you will need later on.

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My tryst with IT Support (for friends and family)

Don’t ask me how, but somehow I’ve ended up with the responsibility of maintaining Windows PC’s/laptops for many a friends and family – I guess it comes with working in IT. I don’t complain (most of the time) but instead I try and make the most of this as a learning opportunity.

To rundown some of the problems and challenges I’ve faced over the years in my attempts to make life easier for myself: Continue reading

Preparing for an IT Support role – my advice for a student


Working in a face to face teaching environment I am often asked for my own opinions, tips and advice on a variety of matters both within the realms of IT support and beyond. Today I was approached by a student asking for advice on preparing not only for a current position being advertised in the department but IT Support in general.

This was not the first time I was asked for my advice on this matter but in this case the level of appreciation I received from the student for a few words of advice was such that I felt compelled to recount my advice in this post. Continue reading