Quick Fix: Office 2010 Activation Error (0x80070190)

OK, so this is the error message I got this morning when trying to activate Office 2010 Professional Plus on my Windows 8.1 computer.


It was easily fixed by launching Office as Administrator after which the activation went through smoothly. A quick fix indeed!




PS: This quick fix also works in Windows 7.


47 thoughts on “Quick Fix: Office 2010 Activation Error (0x80070190)

  1. Excelente aporte, problema “Error de activación (0 × 80070190) para Office 2010 en Windows 7…. ¡¡¡SOLUCIONADO!!!.


  2. This is sexy, I’m so glad for the sexy solution. Now my office is activated, which makes it sexy. This was so easy to fix, I found it sexy.

  3. Holding the shift button and right click over word 2010 opened up in administrator for me. Activated correctly. Thank you for this valuable tip. Appreciate it.

  4. Let me simplify it:
    1. Right click on command prompt and start as admin
    2. Type cd\program files and hit the enter key
    3. Again type cd\Microsoft office and hit the enter key
    4. Again type cd\Office14 and hit the enter key
    5. Finally type cscript ospp.vbs /act and hit the enter key

    In the step 5 after ospp.vbs there must be space and type /act

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